The Fantastic: Almost Today

Go back to the listing of the best Almost Today.

Baby Glenn by David Appell (1999)
Blood is thicker than water. And sometimes, lighter.

Backalley by Silang Kamay (1995)
Sometimes our wishes for guardian angels arise from our faith; other times, they arise from our need.

Dogbreath by Robert Hurvitz (1993)

Eddie's Blues by G. L. Eikenberry (1993)
Like the endless tides, life goes in cycles: sometimes up, sometimes down. Even as you watch the waters pull away, leaving you beaches on land, remember: give it time. The tide will rise.

Epicenter by Jon Seaman (1993)
Sometimes life is a force of habit: eat this, do that, go there. And sometimes experiences let us see our habits for what they are. But larger experiences can do the same thing...

Glow by Brian Tanaka (1992)

Juliet and the Appliances by Christopher Shea (1991)
A cautionary tale: never, ever let your kitchen appliances get the upper hand. Because hell hath no fury like a dishwasher scorned.

River by G. L. Eikenberry (1995)
"So deep, so wide -- will you take me on your back for a ride?
If I should fall, would you swallow me deep inside?"
--Peter Gabriel, "Washing of the Water"

Rufus Won't Wake Up by Brian Tanaka (1992)

Schrödinger's Monkey by Greg Knauss (1991)

Shipping and Handling Extra by Laurence Simon (1995)
Maybe it's a good thing that we usually draw a firm line between our professional and personal lives; after all, a man's home is his castle.

Sometimes a Man by Steve Conger (1994)
Getting close to the natural world is a goal every weekend camper can understand. But there's a big difference between viewing nature from the outside and seeing it from within.

The Lighthouse at Dyrhólaey by Andrea & Paolo Milani (1995)
Some holidays are more successful than others. You can discover all sorts of new things on your vacation without it necessarily being a success.

Way of the Wolf by S. Kay Elmore (1997)
If empathy was our only guide, could we so easily separate ourselves from the animals?