These issues of _InterText_ are in Newton Book format, and have been put in ".hqx" (BinHex) format for transmission over the internet. For those unfamiliar with .hqx format, it is a file format particularly designed for transmitting Macintosh files but which can be used by PC/Windows, as well. The files will be "decoded" into an intermediate file type ("stuffed") and then finally into the Newton-compatible package (".pkg file"). Both Macintosh and Windows users should convert these files to Newton Packages using the Freeware programs Stuffit Expander (for Macintosh), Stuffit Expander for Windows (Windows), or UnStuff/PC (DOS). Additional information about Stuffit Expander may be obtained from Aladdin Systems at . Windows users should make sure that the settings in the "Options" menu are set to "Never" for proper unstuffing of these files. Once you have decoded the .hqx and .sit files, they are no longer used and may be deleted from your hard disk to save space. Newton users should install the packages (NOT the .hqx or .sit files) on their Newtons using Newton Backup Utilities or Newton Connection Utilities (OS2.x machines) or the Newton Package Installer (OS1.X machines). To read a Newton book, simply tap on the book's icon from the Extras drawer. Newton books can be "frozen" to save heap space when needed. If you are having problems with these files, please contact Peter Jones at .